Friday, November 8, 2013

Russia and China Sharks Smell American Blood In The Water

The Russian and Chinese are circling like hungry slavering wolves to prey upon a weak and resource rich America. Obama is only the last in a long line of Traitors to bring us to this point.
The Obama administration declined to comment on Sunday on provocative state-run Chinese media reports outlining Beijing’s nuclear war plans, including land-based and submarine-launched missile strikes on U.S. cities that would kill up to 12 million people.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you got to understand what america is, the reason that america got an independence 1776; was because they follow the plan, americans after killing natives all over, they imported slaves! and that was the plan do as your masters did, so the new land is no different than the old land. reason why independance day is a hoax. In france the beheaded king got replaced by an emperor Napoleon, he was even worse than louis the xvi; however they make you believe; otherwise. today folks complain about Obama and the 1984 realm, well it has always being like that, once you enslaved africans from 1600 on you adhere to the plan meaning do as we do. if americans would have refused to treat africans as slaves and, regard american natives as equals, them the reality would be totally different today. unfortunately they did not, therefore the prison planet worked for those in power and america is just a dysfunctional mess, with a disorderly armed forces and disinform and somewhat not very knowledgeable population. this was the price of independance. hope someday when knowledge reaches you folks the real independance will take place until them is just chaos as expected.
