Wednesday, November 20, 2013

RFID Brain Implant, Electronic Skin Tattoo, Microchipped Pills - ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE

All this TSA harrassment at the airports is only for the ordinary people, us peasants. The elite have their private jets, the business leaders have their corporate jets, those with money but not wealthy enough to afford their own jet can buy membership in Net Jets. When you get on a private jet, even at the same large airport, you don't go through any security whatsoever. You just board the plane with whatever you want to bring on, including your pets (private jets do not have to abide by the FAA rules for animals). My ex-sister-in-law has a Net Jets membership (I'm so jealous! lol!) and I heard from my other sister-in-law who flew with her how it works. She said it's so hassle-free. So all this TSA screening stuff is just for us peasants.

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