Sunday, November 24, 2013

RED ALERT! Israel Warn Of "Suitcase Nuke" In New York Or Madrid Over Iran Nuclear Deal

Quote... "The bad deal that was signed gives Iran exactly what it wanted -- a serious lessening of sanctions as well as preserving the most significant parts of its nuclear program," Bennett added. "If in another five years a suitcase nuke explodes in New York or Madrid, it will be because of the deal that was signed this morning. There's a long path ahead, and we will continue to act on all levels."

Truthtube451 says .... Israel are inevitably calling this a bad deal. A member of their givernment has even warned if an attack on Madrid because of this Iranian nuclear deal!

The innocent Iranian civilians have been the victims of the harsh sanctions placed upon the country and i for one think its about time their pain was eased. Personally, with their arch enemy in Israel having nuclear weapons, i cannot see why Iran, should they choose, not be allowed to have their own nuclear deterent. But thats just another example of Israel being a law unto themselves, and the main protaganist in the middle east, and arguable the world

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