Tuesday, November 5, 2013


The police are no longer there to protect the public. They are parasites sucking the last pennies and last vestiges of freedom from the public. There are 2 types of cops left. The psycho bully and the sniveling punk. Both do unspeakable acts to the public only for different reasons.

 The United States government, at all levels has fallen under the control of the desperately wicked New World Order clan

The events of Sept 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the illuminati to consolidate their one world order and transform earth into a prison planet.

In over two and a half hours, Alex Jones chronicles in stunning detail the true character of the globalists. Learn the master plan of the blood-thirsty elite to financially, physically and spiritually imprison not only America but the world.
Police State America

Total Enslavement This film documents the nightmare rise of the Homeland Security dictatorship, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy and much more. The very future of humanity depends on exposing government-sponsored terrorism and how the globalists pose as our saviors whem in fact, they are the terrorists.

Police Abuse is at an all time high in this country. Where our once respected untarnished heroes were truly the keepers of the peace, a new generation of thug-like Authoritarian Law Enforcement "Officer" has emerged, dragging down the vaunted icon of Police Officer down into the muck where these new Cops dwell. The New Police have no knowledge of the Law, they know "their" law which is "You WILL Obey!"

The Resistance, solve the problem without taking a Truncheon to the face, a Taser to the chest, or a Bullet to the head? Especially in light of absolute brutality of these so-called "Peace Officers" reactions to We The People, whom they love to beat. First, however, we must find the root of this Evil, the Law itself. The Root of all Evil...

We are in the midst of a total economic, societal, and spiritual collapse. Humanity is at the cusp of losing itself forever to the absolute tyranny of technology. Corruption at all levels of Public Office has become so rampant and so pervasive that the dark-hearted selfish Jacobite scum who taint the hallowed halls of OUR government commit their crimes of corruption blatantly and in the open while they laugh and DARE us to call them on it. like physical paper ballots. If the Masters are corrupt then it should be no surprise that their servants are corrupt as well. Evil attracts Evil and Good attracts Good.

Throughout history, just before a Tyrant begins a Pogrom or Martial Law, he does two things. First, the Tyrant will disarm the populous, either by force or by law. In Japan, swords were illegal for everyone except the Emperor, Shogun, and Lorded Samurai. germany
"police brutality" arrested arrest church handcuff brother "american citizen" religion system matrix 2013 2014 u.s. "united states" usa "private property" "police officer" detained crime criminal lawyer weapon therapist harassment rights liberty christian cop american animal "animal rights" humanity "human being" property force "human body" wrestle wrestling harsh future forces downtown jail god jesus lord evidence camera witness revolution "shopping mall" viral trends trendy 829speedy alex jones infowars gerald celente wearechange david icke lindsey williams glenn beck farrakhan luxetti

The second trick of the Tyrant is to co-opt local Law and Law Enforcement. Tyrants do not want their slaves to ask questions, they especially dislike having to answer questions from their underlings. Therefore the new Police tend to be big guys who can carry out orders, but are themselves Authoritarians...mini-me dictators. The new Police understand their power and know that there are very few restraints associated with it. They may not know The Law, being Law Enforcement Officers, but they do know how to intimidate and carry out Orders.

A County Sheriff has the power to kick the FBI out of their county and sometimes they actually do it. Why? A Sheriff's first loyalty is to the people of his county...not his Federal Government. If the Sheriff deems the Feds to be causing problems rather than solving them...Adios Muchachos, see 'ya later alligator, after while crocodile. However, if the County, City, and State Police departments and First Responders rely on Federal Grants, DHS Doohickies, and Big Government Bribes...well...loyalties can easily change. Especially with FBI JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) federally funded training programs, where You're a Terrorist, I'm a Terrorist, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together is a Terrorist...just like President George Washington and President Thomas Jefferson.

After illustrating their enthusiasm for repealing the Bill of Rights, a video shows Americans happily signing a petition to support a "Nazi-style Orwellian police state," in what easily represents the most shocking footage of its kind to date.

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