Monday, November 25, 2013


The bodies of the casualties from yesterday's latest mass shooting incident have not been buried yet, but already the president, fresh from his embarrassing foreign relations defeat with Russia and not to mention the ongoing NSA snafu, is back in 'distract em with a campaign-cum-crusade mode' after calling, once again, for Congress to pass gun control legislation this time in an interview with Noticias Telemundo.

One can only assume the president was himself too distracted by all his recent scandals and/or was just spying too hard on the American people to recall that it was only in April that theDemocratically-controlled Senate killed an amendment to a Democratic gun control bill, which was the first and biggest slap in the face of the freshly re-elected president so far in 2013 (little did we know it was only downhill from there), and made a mockery of Obama's crusade to enact gun control. President Obama called on Congress on Tuesday to revisit gun control legislation, saying in the wake of Monday's deadly mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard that lawmakers should take what he considers "basic actions" to toughen the nation's gun laws. In an interview with the Spanish-language television network Telemundo, Obama said the country's background check system for gun buyers is so weak it makes the United States vulnerable to mass shootings, such as the one last December that killed 26 small children at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting propelled gun safety to the top of Obama's second-term legislative agenda, but Senate Republicans as well as some Democrats in April blocked a proposal to expand background checks.

Of course, when this latest initiative of an openly flailing administration crashes and burns, there will be yet another Syria false flag event to redirect, just as there was in the spring when Obama's first attempt at getting the Senate to pass a Democratic proposal, failed, which needless to say also ended up in flames.

Mentally unstable man in the military gains legal access to gun, goes on rampage. That's the portrait. 3d printed rifle 3d printed shotgun 3d printed pistol 3d printed ar 15

Did somebody script the word-picture of Alexis for gun control purposes? executive order
Heavily promoted details: "Should never have been allowed to buy a gun, but prior red-flag arrests weren't prosecuted. Slipped through the cracks. Heard voices, claimed he was being assaulted with microwaves that prevented him from sleeping. Obvious nut job. But still, he was able to buy a gun."

Alexis had an AR-15 at the Navy Yard, it was: James Holmes (Aurora), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook) and Alexis all supposedly firing the semi-auto weapon. Bottom line: "stop selling the AR-15 and any other semi-auto."
fear "gun control" tragedy u.s. "united states" american citizen rights law freedom gun rifle shooting violence "mental health" health nation 2013 2014 criminal danger usa america politics obama speech change tradition "2nd amendment" texas washington citizen agenda "new world order" illuminati school "false flag attack" attack trends agenda "shotgun" bullets supplies army army surplus" prepare "freeze dried food" revolution anonymous protest liberty constitution law police brutality forces "u.s. navy" "u.s. army" control 829speedy alex jones infowars glenn beck david icke lindsey williams farrakhan

Breaking new ground in the state-level battle over firearms, the Democratic-dominated California state legislature has taken gun control into uncharted territory with a flurry of new bills that target not just firearms and ammunition, but also recreational hunting.

Among the dozen gun-control bills sitting on California Gov. Jerry Brown's desk are measures that would outlaw lead ammunition for hunting as well as common types of hunting rifles under the umbrella of an assault-weapons ban. Taken together, the measures go far beyond the efforts that have inspired a sharp backlash and political battles in states such as Connecticut and Colorado.

To put the lead bill in context, about 95 percent of all ammunition sold in California contains lead. The alternative is metal bullets, some of which can pierce police armor and are banned by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Critics say the bill would effectively end hunting as a sport in California.

Major media outlets are now reporting that one of the Washington Navy Yard shooters was armed with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.

No doubt that this will lead to a continued push by the establishment to completely ban "assault rifles," especially in the heels of California passing a bill to stop new sales of semi-automatic rifles

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