Monday, November 4, 2013


Could Martial Law really be coming to America in 2014? Well, as the US Constitution is being overrun by modern day politics, some believe the US government is actually waging a war against the American people.
After the Department of Homeland Security began purchasing millions of extra rounds of bullets on top of the bullets already in stock, Americans began to ask who are they preparing for war against.
American's have now begun to fear that the New World Order is bringing drastic change to the United States, through President Obama. Even more intimidating to some is the American military training on American streets. With Fema Camps stocking up on coffins, many believe their could be an American Holocaust. But really, this is America how could martial law come to America?
Obama Martial Law
Another claim that foreign troops are coming to America. FEMA's denial of a report that suggested Russian forces would be operating inside the United States at "mass events" ignores the manifestly provable fact that Russian and other foreign troops are already active inside the US and have been for at least two decades.
What kind of leader wants a military more loyal to himself than to the rule of law?
And why?
These are two questions to ponder when considering the strange happenings in the armed forces since Barack Obama took office.
Let's start with a hypothetical. Let's say you were a hard-left-wing commander in chief who wanted the military firmly in your corner. You'd certainly note that our armed forces have been a bastion of conservatism and Christian faith, and you'd know that its members generally weren't very fond of you. So how would you go about changing this?
Some years ago I met a very young, all-American looking white fellow who had just exited the military. His reason was that he hadn't martial law, police, predictions cop cops raw video footage FEMA police state funny amazing officer beating taser, nostradamus, prediction been advanced the way he believed he should have been, and he wasn't going to remain in the armed forces if it provided no future. Now, one interpretation here is that he was a millennial with an inflated opinion of himself (he didn't strike me that way, though). Yet there is another interpretation.
The Obama administration has given affirmative action in the military a dose of steroids, promoting minorities and women -- and, I obama ron paul illuminati bilderberg group elite bankers gold silver, inflation, food prices, oil price oil petrol food shortage freemason fema camp fema usa britain, england royal family nwo new world order, end of days end of time card game david icke prison planet we are change occupy occupy wall st middle east london olympics truth martial law NATO north korea kim jong un mw3 call of duty lindsey williams de population water filtration survive g4t nukes nuclear army military rt russia today alternative media war,world war 3,subliminal messages believe, homosexuals and lesbians -- at the expense of white men. By the way, is this yet another reason why Obama wanted homosexuals to be able to serve openly? After all, you can't target them for special treatment if you don't know who they are.

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1 comment:

  1. Here's what doesn't make sense about this. Purchasing coffins??? Why would they give us coffins? I believe the s will htf but, again, why would they have enough respect to give us all coffins?
