Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Non Human Intelligence ~ Paul Kimball

Paul Kimball is the founder of Redstar Films Limited, a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers Society, the Nova Scotia Film Advisory Committee, and the Society of Composers Authors and Publishers. Since 2001, Paul has established a reputation as one of Canada's leading UFO researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker and as a researcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio, and in person at conferences and symposiums to discuss the UFO phenomenon. He is currently in post-production for the documentary Fields of Fear, about Canadian animal mutilation phenomena due for release in the late summer of 2006.

Paul Kimball, has been experiencing various paranormal phenomena in his travels along the weird highway of life. He shared his realizations that many strange experiences are actually interactions with advanced non-human intelligence including ghosts, time travelers, and aliens, who may be pulling things out of our own minds, and presenting it back to us in ways that we'll understand. This accounts for why tales of the paranormal have changed over various eras, from dragons to spaceships. Whoever is presenting these images is trying to appeal to a particular audience in a specific time frame, he said.

"The real question isn't 'who are they?' or 'where are they from?' but what are they trying to say to us, what's being imparted?," Kimball mused. He's concluded that most paranormal phenomena is a kind of artistic creation by this non-human intelligence. It may be part of a teaching or preparation process, whereby humans are encouraged to move up to the next level of development or think about things in a broader way, he continued. As part of the 'Observer Effect,' the non-human intelligence is making us aware that we're being watched or that there's something out there, which changes our behavior,

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