Monday, November 11, 2013

Navy SEAL Whistle Blower Bill BrockBrader Needs Support! Eva Moore 28 October 2013

28 October 2013, US Whistle Blower Bill Brockbrader Needs Your Support, Eva Moore, Vinny's NUTShell: Eva Moore, now married to jailed whistle blower Bill Brockbrader comes on to talk about his terrible experiences and why his work exposing
scumbaggery is extremely important for the United states as a whole, like opening Pandora's box with a crow bar!


  1. Mr. New Zealand, I think you do a great job, the problem is your facts are really off. Please take a couple minutes and listen to the actual court tapes where Bill sheepishly admits he lies about everything he said to his money supporters. Vinnie, he was NEVER a SEAL, - in his own voice he says this and admits other major lies that he stood behind for the last year or so. This guy is a CON ARTIST, EVA is an opportunist who lives off radio shows like yours to keep the money rolling in.... He says in his own words that the Little Girl, his wife sister was 12 when he first had sexual contact. All Good, keep shining the lime light on these folks instead of REAL whislteblowers who have factual stories.

    this is the actual audio tape link that Bill admits his MAJOR lies. It kills me that the Dan Burish, Bob Lazarre, Duncan O'finigin, Bill Brockrader and the like get media attention for the most outlandish stories. Educational backgrounds, Government Service...etc are great places to start with these folks. I'm not being a jerk, I want to continue listening to your shows but guys like Bill and Eva are not GOOD People, they use the web to get financial support because they have no skill set. All Good, I really do like your show, peace from USA. To respond my comment

    1. I agree with you but im pretty sure these people think "the evil gov't" had someone impersonate Bill when he admitted that he was never a U.S. Navy SEAL. Im all for truth seeking but when these people follow a con like bill it makes me question the whole truth seeking movement.

  3. Fuck that pervert/poser

  4. All you have to do is search Bill Brockbrader on the internet to find the videos of him admitting to sex with his underage sister-in-law. After his release from prison, sitting in some tent he confesses as though somehow that is okay. His lies are endless! All he had to do was produce the confidentiality agreement. He did not have to "lie" in his trial. NEVER HAS PRODUCED THAT AGREEMENT! Because the only time he has ever spoken the truth is in his court martial and trial.
