Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Max Igan ~ Surviving the Matrix - Episode 1 - The Peoples Voice TV

Whats The Problem? Max Igan ~ Surviving the Matrix - Episode 1 - The Peoples Voice TV

It's a Crime Syndicate. A Criminal System, run by Criminals & owned by Criminals. It's Fascism.It's Orwellian too. It all boils down to control. 401Ks and private savings will be expropriated in the name of the state. Who's to stop them? Boehner, Mitch McConnell? And who says he's actually LEAVING in 2016? Give up that swank white house and cool airplane? The Regime will manufacture some crisis in order to stay on and the Lickspittle Media will fall dutifully in line. Again, who's going to make His Majesty leave? John Roberts? The Supremes? The Capitol Hill Park Police? That NSA is a useful toy. Keeps people in line.

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