Friday, November 15, 2013

Judge Napolitano: Obama Assaulting Fabric Of Our Nation By Changing Laws Without Congress' Approval

President Obama did not involve Congress in his ObamaCare 'fix,' instead making the change on his own. The president is allowing insurance companies to renew canceled plans even if they don't meet the law's requirements.

Can the president make changes to a law that was passed by both houses of Congress?

"The president cannot change the law, cannot change the terms of the law, cannot change the date at which the law begins unless Congress and the courts are willing to look the other way," Judge Napolitano said on today's Shepard Smith Reporting.

The president's decision opens the law up to another challenge before the Supreme Court.

Napolitano pointed out that the president frequently takes action without Congressional approval, citing the bombing of Libya. "The more changes the president does, the more Congress looks the other way, the more the fabric of the nation is assaulted," Napolitano said.

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