Friday, November 22, 2013


Appearing on CNBC yesterday, former Congressman Ron Paul warned that if the US continues on its current course, the dollar will collapse, and gold will literally be priceless.

"Eventually, if we're not careful, it will go to infinity, because the dollar will collapse totally," Paul said on's Futures Now.

"As long as we have excessive spending, and excessive computerized money, we are going to see gold go up," Paul urged, noting that as the value of the dollar is destroyed, everything measured against dollars will increase in value.

Paul added that recent drops in gold prices do not factor into the long term outlook.

"If you look at the record of the value of the dollar since the Fed's been in existence, we have about a 2-cent dollar. And gold used to be $20 an ounce. So I'd say the record is rather clear on the side of commodity money." Paul said.

Financial experts have slammed the Federal Reserve's decision to proceed with "QE unlimited" by refusing to taper its money printing madness, with famed investor Mark Faber predicting the move will lead to a "total collapse" of the economic system.

Despite expectations amongst many that the Fed would scale back its $85 billion a month bond purchase plan, the central bank announced yesterday that it would prolong the policy.

Investment guru Mark Faber reacted by telling Bloomberg that the decision not to taper was all about protecting the financial interests of the elite while ordinary Americans will suffer the consequences through higher gas, food and energy prices.

"My view was that they would taper by about $10 billion to $15 billion, but I'm not surprised that they don't do it for the simple reason that I think we are in QE unlimited. The people at the Fed are professors, academics. They never worked a single life in the business of ordinary people. And they don't understand that if you print money, it benefits basically a handful of people maybe--not even 5% of the population, 3% of the population," he said.

"And when you look today at the market action, OK, stocks are up 1%. Silver is up more than 6%, gold up more than 4%, copper 2.9%, crude oil 2.68%, and so forth. Crude oil, gasoline are things people need, ordinary people buy everyday. Thank you very much, the Fed boosts these items that people need to go to their work, to heat their homes, and so forth and at the same time, asset prices go up, but the majority of people do not own stocks. Only 11% of Americans own directly shares," added Faber.  Asked what the endgame was, Faber responded, "The endgame is a total collapse, but from a higher diving board. The Fed will continue to print and if the stock market goes down 10%, they will print even more. And they don't know anything else to do. And quite frankly, they have boxed themselves into a corner where they are now kind of desperate."

Veteran investor Jim Rogers also slammed the Fed's excessive money printing, warning, "The world will suffer very badly when this comes to an end. It's an artificial sea of liquidity."

The chairman of Rogers Holdings added that the only factor that may stop central banks around the world from printing money is if markets say, "we're not going to take your garbage paper anymore." Obamacare.

While 20-year highs for the CNY may be enough for many to question the USD's ongoing reserve status, it is clear that there are many other plans afoot that undermine the dominance of the greenback.

Did you know that the U.S. national debt has increased by more than a trillion dollars in just over 12 months? On September 30th, 2012 the U.S. national debt was sitting at$16,066,241,407,385.89. Today, it is up to $17,075,590,107,963.57.

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