Thursday, November 7, 2013

Harry Dent ~ Australia & Canada Headed for a Big Crash

Harry Dent - Nu Skin .This is an amazingly detailed video from long-range economic forecaster Harry Dent, founder of economic advisory firm HS Dent and author of “The Great Crash Ahead,” is calling for a market crash and he talks about the outlook for the U.S. economy. and Europe . Harry Dent has been following the world’s boom and bust cycles for decades and is now predicting a great crash.Get out of stocks and bonds now look to re-invest later in 2014 when the stock market will bottom says Harry Dent
.Harry S. Dent Jr. is one of the smartest, savviest economic researchers around, and his track record for being RIGHT when conventional wisdom has been wrong cannot be ignored. If you want to make sure you have all your financial bases covered in the months and years ahead, you owe it to yourself to hear what he has to say.

Harry S Dent is a financial newsletter writer and author , who is also the founder of HS Dent Investment Management, an investment firm based in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Dent's latest book is The Great Crash Ahead. Other books include The Great Depression Ahead and The Next Great Bubble Boom.


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