Saturday, November 2, 2013

Game Over ~ The Dollar is Dead! Gold $7000

Alternatives to the US Dollar are well along in design, approaching implementation for commerce, wherein the Gold Trade Standard will be installed. The impact waves will be powerful, sweeping aside the fiat paper currencies and their flimsy sovereign bond reinforcement, an implied foundation of debt.

Do they think martial law, genocide or famine would save their precious dollar bank note. Every policy of capture destroys growth and they will pay the price for all their frauds. Banker Ceo's should be out on the streets begging with tin cups, for real money.The Federal Reserve is doing it's best to trash the PetroDollar. It will be interesting to see if the President suspends the Constitution, enacts Martial Law, and becomes the dictator of the United States before the 2016 election

1 comment:

  1. the one world government exist now however you belive that will exist in the future deadly wrong "you are now today under the new world order" the confusion is that the new world order is collapsing, programs on human minds are confuse they no longer have a master to obey, what you folks experience is the collapsing capitalistic system, forever, reason why all economist jim rogers gold buyers celente are all wrong, they have not understood that they have existed under orwellian realm sense 1948. today they are approaching freedom. once that done the capitalistic system from 1600 will end permanently. so is the inverse not a world order coming but collapsing, reason for the $ end, as well israel, and arms industry media brainwashing, stupid billionaires and the lot
