Wednesday, November 6, 2013

G. Edward Griffin--The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On 30.Oct.13 presents
Since writing his classic The Creature From Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin hasn't rested on his laurels. While freedom has been under constant assault, he's been busy building a movement. Through Freedom Force International, he hopes to take back power from the elites and allow freedom to again reign. He thinks it can be done relatively quickly and without much force. Is he fooling himself and his followers? Well let's wait and see what happens during the next 10 years.


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  2. there is a solution! when the people trust the president or king! what happens is that government is not totally free, neither congress, they are somehow held not by their duties, or conviction, but by a financial web, this web is the one that calls the tunes. in order to undo the finacial web only a union between a men in power and the mayotrity of the people can do the job, as the people demand the change, the resident on this case will execute: however when the president is being blackmail by the financial web them this is the moment when the people can act and overrun the financial blackmail. In order to keep the president on the path that people demand. the people will have to unite under one banner and form one solid block, no race different as no income diferent, accept each position in time & space, and accept that some have more knowledge than others, and follow the knowledge one. some are thinner than others as some have more beauty qualities than others! however there is not a rank for beauty simply is a question of perception. somehow the individual always seeks perfection between itself.
