Sunday, November 24, 2013

BLACK DAY DISASTER ~ Could this happen in 2032? Likely...

I hope you enjoy this video message and will take the time to comment and rate with a thumb up or a thumb down. Thank you! ~Rae

There was no shorter way for grandma to tell us her story.
WARNING: Graphic pictures of actual mutations in human babies. DO NOT watch if this is disturbing to you!!!
Not intended for children viewing!!!

This is a fictional story line based on the dangers of Nuclear Power, Fracking and Fossil fuels, not to mention the steady onset of wars. (fictional means not true ...yet, for those that wonder)

The year is 2032 and a great grandmother is writing her heirs, (all people of earth) that may have survived the "Black Day Disaster" Her message pertaining to the history of how the world got so bad is meant to be an awakening to those that, even after Chernobyl and the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi catastrophies, still believe that Nuclear Power is safe and clean. The story line though fictional is based on actual disasters and facts. Facts that can be followed up in the news around the world.

We can only hope, enough people join together demanding change in the way our system of government is run, that we can implement changes in order to save Mother Earth and all mankind. Saving mankind from himself, I might add. Many of us are doing what we can to aid in an awakening to truth.

TRUTH is, nuclear power, fossil fuel usage, and natural gas for fuel is not needed, energy is alive and is everywhere. The technology is blocked by GREED. The barrier is no more than money and the love of it at any expense, ...including life!

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