Sunday, November 3, 2013

Anonymous Message to The Million Mask March

Anonymous Message to The Million Mask March

Hello fellow citizens of the planet, we are anonymous.
with the upcoming Million Mask March and the division we see, we felt we must share our love and words of encouragement.
Many distractions, accusations and facts have been thrown at the movement, like shotgun blast, dividing and bringing fear.
Let us not forget why we are marching. why are we marching you ask?
the answer to this is as extensive and diverse as we are and so only you can answer that question.
What is of the utmost importance is the fact that for the first time in history, brothers and sisters will stand as one.
those who stand have given up on politics and now practice truth.
those who stand have traded money for love and those who stand will on that day speak in the lanquage of justice.
we leave you now with one last request, continue to find facts for the issues presented and lace your boots as the day approaches swiftly.
we are anonymous, we are humanity, we will not be divided and we will not be silenced. Governmental entities should here forward always expect us.

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