Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Agenda 21 ~ Vegetable Gardens are Illegal

Florida city uproots couple's 17-year-old garden, over new ordinance
But for the residents of Miami Shores, Fla., growing veggies can land you a fine — the type you eventually can't afford.

That's what happened to Hermine Ricketts and her husband, Tom Carroll. For the past 17 years they've grown a garden in the front yard of their modest South Florida home. The backyard, they say, doesn't get enough sunlight.

But in May, the city put the couple's garden, and any others like it, in their legal crosshairs.

A new zoning ordinance designed to "protect the distinctive character of the Miami Shores Village," was enacted and specifically prohibited vegetables -- not fruit, trees or even plastic flamingos -- from appearing in front yards.

1 comment:

  1. Agenda 21 wants to have all folk eat in communal dining halls! Totally fed all gmo food, it is going to be a vegen or neo vegan diet! No more meat/eggs/fish/dairy, but insects(bugs) will be the main animal protein by 2050 or even well before! No more appliances like private stoves/refrigerators/freezers/toasters/micro-wave ovens/toaster-ovens/slow-cooker-crock pots! No more resturants or fast food, pick-up food or delivery food!No more ethnic foods! No more spices or imported or cross-country or regional foods! The one world-new world order/globalist government will keep all in a state of hunger & malnutrition to make all susceptable to disease,fatigued,&weak as a form of control! "Being well fed" is now looked upon as "UNSUSTAINABLE" & HUNGER & MALNUTRITION IS LOOKED UPON AS "SUSTAINABLE"!!!!!
