Friday, November 1, 2013

Agenda 21 Stealth Takeover Exposed Low

And while the control freaking turdbrains do their lil control freaking thang, they don't do a single thing about the Fukushima ELE which is right this very moment radioactively poisoning the Earth into oblivion. No one is going to survive as Fukushima kickstarts a global ELE.
The control freaking turdbrains are going to die from radiation sickness just like everyone else is going to. No one survives, everyone dies.
Control freakers tend to lack in any logical rationality.
Ps. How bad is the Fukushima situation currently?
It's so horrific, there are no words that could begin to describe the direness of it. And that's just plain statement of fact, no hyperbole or exaggeration.
It's a sh*tstorm of sh*tstorms.
But, whee, who cares? Look at me-eeee! I'm control freaking and that just makes me feel SO important!
Now, excuse me while I run to the toilet to vomit and diarrhea again. Radiation sickness, you know. But it's worth it to control freak! Tee hee hee hee

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