Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Does American 'exceptionalism' allow the US to be above the law? Is it a cover for the use of force around the world? How can the US support democracy in some cases and tyranny in others? And does Washington evoke 'exceptionalism' every time it needs to protect its friends and punish its enemies? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, David Merkel and Rodney Shakespeare.

1 comment:

  1. the real power is britain, or the old britannica. the reason is english language the worlds language, and how britain culture colonies, colonized the planet.. the result is easy to understand, or you keep the empire "british empire" meaning us.. or you get division and chaos. here america, india pakistan the middle east israel, all this nations are in hell's domain, and why israel exist today is because the british decided that to give the middle east a good lesson, they should get the americans and the jews. and today we all know they are a lot worse than 1932. to understand british logic is complex, like alan turing. however britain is doing a clean house of their own but nevertheless britain is the only nation that can in fact fix the middle east when they accept by presence not force to be under the british empire, and speak its language. the usa of america is just, the police force, not the real diplomatic force. neither cultural or anything else america is meant to be a very large middle class nation...!
