Thursday, October 17, 2013

Will Forced Labor be the Coming Solution to the EBT Shutdown

It gets deeper than EBT. I would imagine the same day food stamps stop rolling out will be the same day social security does, as well as numerous other assistance programs. And for all you people feeling all high and mighty on the horse because you arent on welfare....just wait till the day your a.t.m. card doesnt work. Or the day your bank has to let you know they've been operating a ponzi scheme just like all the other banks that exist. Wait until they tell you the money you thought you had is gone and you wont get it back. You'll be in the streets rioting for food with the whole ebt crowd. A large majority of people are going to be blindsided when the SHTF, not just welfare recipients. Everyone is going to be in survivor mode and the worst in people is going to start to come out. Being prepared might not even be enough. Just like they will confiscate your guns they will probably confiscate food from people too. I believe there is an executive order against
food hoarding in times of "national emergency". Realistically a lot of us are going to be getting the shaft when it goes down, so we need to stop acting like because we had a little food put up or because we werent on welfare or because we live in the country and not a city that this wont touch us because it will. This whole e.b.t. thing was just a glimpse of whats to come. Maybe they found their way to usher in martial law.

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