Thursday, October 3, 2013


YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!...Wayne Allyn Root--Presidential Candidate, Target of IRS, Author of Ultimate ObamaCare Survival Guide--the Perfect Wrap-up to Our Four Part ObamaCare Series--Your Eyes Will Cross!

If you have listened to Reid's previous four "here is the rest of the story" shows on ObamaCare, the first with Kimberly Amadeo, on economics, the second with Dr. Timothy Jost--ardent backer of and mouthpiece for the administration in favor of ObamaCare, the third with Dr Elizabeth Vliet--sharing the buried dark truths of the anti-female legislation and Grace-Marie Turner, heavily involved in the replacement bills for the law--keeping some of the goodies, but really reducing costs without adverse impact to access and the quality of service, then you are ahead of 99% of the American Public--unfortunately. Make no mistake, this bill the "Affordable Health Care Act" (really???) is the greatest intrusion on your privacy, your health, your choice, and your pocket book in the history of the country. Not only will it contribute mightily to the approximate 1,000,000.00 bill we are leaving each of our children (gee--thanks mom and dad) but it will wreck--and is already critically undermining full time and overall employment, will result in long waits for services and doctor access, will pinch you--each and every one of you--in the pocketbook by thousands of dollars per year, even if you are not enrolled, subject you to numerous potential criminal violations (including as head of house hold if those under your roof do not enroll or pay fines) and subject your health services to oversight by an appointed board, the IPAB WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PRIVATE INSURANCE, AND WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES TO NOT LOSE YOUR CURRENT POLICY AND DOCTOR--contrary to the Obama and crew's lofty, and false Informed is the first defense!
promises. Wayne is no holds barred. Not only do he and Reid discuss aspects of the law not mentioned on the four previous shows, but they review what you can do to try and protect yourself and your loved ones...and this country of ours. And the end of the show is wrap up of this series by Reid--it will crystallize the key points in the previous shows on a general basis, and tell you what you can do to try and make your voice heard right now, without delay, as this bill, replacement bills finally being brought forward, and defunding/delay are in Congress. Your voice matters--contact info for your reps is listed below. Use it--this bill will impact your life--every aspect of it--in ways unimaginable, it will not reduce but will rather increase costs. The quality of your health care, and the timeliness of its delivery by doctors is about to be severely degraded, especially if you are over 50, a woman, or have one of those so-called blue ribbon health care policies. (yep--a 40% tax coming on those!) Don't miss this show, or the four previous shows on the archives at

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