Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wake Up 2013: AGENDA 21 & WW3

Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity.

Let me start off by saying I don't deal with banks.No checking,no savings,no nothing. Now,to take money out of the bank,cash is a must. More and more people use plastic to buy things instead of using cash.I've seen people use their bank card to buy a pack of gum or a bottle of water.Soon there will be no need for cash and everyone will be forced to keep their (money) in the banks.This is all part of their plan.Uncle SAM loves it because he can collect more taxes. People are so stupid.
telecommute... move away from the cities... I am slowly migrating away from densely populated areas... it's coming and a few extra minutes could mean life or death... if i dont make it out in time... I will keep them busy for a long time and hopefully this will allow others to make it out...
The Boston Bomber was 200 yards from where he abandoned his vehicle. They weren't even trying to find him. What they wanted to do was go through houses, and spend your money on their "danger pay" to reward their retards. Don't do anything violent, just don't spend a dime on corporate products, financially is how you hurt them, the US "govt" is insolvent.

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