Monday, October 14, 2013

US Bank Run Has Already Begun as Greece Scenario Unfolds – By Jason Liosatos

by Jason Liosatos

‘The US Dollar is predictably becoming the worthless paper it is, and always was’.
The fictitious fanaticism with the US Dollar is being shockingly usurped, as the unthinkable US bank run begins, as people quietly and nervously withdraw the money they fear they will lose if there is a Bank Holiday, which those withdrawals will ironically trigger.
People are at last realizing the truth that our financial system of money and transient numbers on a screen, are built upon an oasis of short term greed and fear, a scaffolding which is, and always was, destined to collapse and fail. This is not just a possibility but an absolute certainty, if not right now, most certainly in the coming future, but still its trajectory of greed and power drags us all along with it, seemingly helpless to change or stop it from destroying us.
One would think that such a delusional currency of inevitable destruction and disaster could, and should, be wrestled to a halt before it causes any more pain, anxiety and suffering for its frightened populations, but no, it keeps being recovered and resurrected by its insane custodians, the unscrupulous bankster gangsters, and its government minions, who are paid handsomely to help keep the frightened populations under its spell, holding their heads just far enough under the water of debt to keep them struggling ahead.
As the fear grows about the inevitable collapse of the delusional currency – which could just as well be pebbles or matches – people frantically buy gold, which is barely an insurance policy, let alone an investment. The Gold that people kill, cheat lie and die for is just like any other metal or stone really, but because its shiny, and a nice color, people globally have been made to believe it is precious, when in fact if you were in the Amazon jungle you could not swop a bar of gold for a canoe ride down the river with one of the tribes people who had never been brainwashed it was ‘precious’. It would be hard to convince them it would make a good door stop let alone an investment.
As our insane, delusional, money system predictably falls apart people everywhere are shocked and stunned that the population of a whole planet had been so indoctrinated and imprisoned by such a system of paper money for so long, realizing that in truth, when the game is over, it is as worthless as a piece of common toilet paper. It is also an amazing fact that the financial money system is now the greatest threat to humanity, probably on an even par with the human mind which of course created the idea that it is something to be feared and pursued for whole lifetimes, causing more unrest, anxiety, deceit and misery than anything else in human history.
Of course the comptrollers of the disaster currency of money would not agree, or even care about such things as human suffering and misery at the hands of money, so long as they can perpetuate the human slavery which insures its lucrative continuance for them.
We no doubt are standing at the fork in the road, where we carry on our current condition and trajectory and face disaster, or we make a radical change of direction from one of mass slavery via money, to the possibility of mass freedom without it. That choice must come from the enslaved populations, and not the en-slavers of those populations. It seems like a simple case of whether humanity has the courage to believe it can fend for itself without being forced to be pressed to the financial teat of the controlling oligarchs. Time will tell, and history holds humanity’s page open now, pen in hand and awaits our decision….By Jason Liosatos

1 comment:

  1. all problem, troubles doom and gloom... but no solution...
