Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two Culture's Prophecies ~ Kymberlee Ruff

Kymberlee Ruff, MFT is the "Messenger of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy". She is not a Hopi Prophecy Carrier nor a Tibetan Prophecy Carrier. She has been asked by the Hopi and the Tibetans to share this hopeful message to the world. Kymberlee is 1/4 Cherokee by ethnicity. She has been adopted into the Hopi family of Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma who is the "Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan.

Kymberlee Ruff shared the Hopi-Tibetan prophecy, a separate and distinct prophecy created from the similarities of the two culture's prophecies. The first activation of the prophecy began when a Tibetan Lama came to Hopi lands in Arizona in 1974, and the second activation had to do with Ruff's son, who was visited by Tibetan Lamas in Santa Barbara in 2001. They told her he was a reincarnation of one of their Lamas. Tibetan Ven. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche gave her son a rock with ancient writing on it. Later, she delivered the rock to the Hopi Indians' Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, the "Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan," she recounted.

The message on the rock, written in Sanskrit, loosely translates as "compassion," which is the key to the Hopi-Tibetan prophecy, she said. Bringing this "dharma" to the Hopis, helps "restore the amazingness of the Hopi so they can set the tone for the world," she explained. As we approach Dec. 21, 2012, "it's going to get more and more intense," but after that date, things are going to turn around and get better, she continued. Ruff also talked about "the Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon." In 1909, on a mission for the Smithsonian, G.E. Kincaid was said to find a statue of the Buddha in a cave hidden under the Grand Canyon

1 comment:

  1. How about God our Heavenly Fathers Phrophecy Read 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 it will tell you that satan comes at the 6th Trump before our Lord Jesus comes at the 7th Trump n he'll be claiming hes Jesus, most are going to worship satan that false messiah Will You?
