Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The U S Credit Bubble Is Cracking NOW! By Gregory Mannarino

The welfare/foodstamp state has been done by design. Once the cards and checks are turned off and all the shelves are empty, those people without will be robbing at gunpoint to steal food and medicine. Most of these families that are on these programs have 2 to 5 kids per family. If you are staring into the eyes of your starving child/children, you would murder anyone for food to feed them.
The defacto corporation has been pushing racial hatred and division for years now. Once the blacks (the majority who receive these supplements) are turned off, they are going to go after the weakest links, the old, the sick, etc. Then they'll go out to the suburbs and pillage and kill there. Then the country. The ONLY chance you will have for survival is if you are fully armed and know deep within your heart that you will need to defend your family and what you have, even if it means killing to do it. Because these hungry hoards will gladly kill you for whatever you have. I truly believe that this is part of their depopulation plan. The only people the government will be killing or sending to the fema camps (besides their political enemies and anyone who has spoken out against them) are the ones who will be looting and killing just trying to provide for their families. During the big depression in the 1920s/1930s (TEN years) over 7 million people died from starvation or malnutrition and associated diseases. That is when 90% of the population of America was self sufficient. Statistics now are that only 10% of the population of America is self sufficient so that is just about how many will survive a mass meltdown. 90% -- that's NINETY PERCENT -- of the population will die -- either from starvation, malnutrition, people defending themselves from them or the government goons. Whether it is next week or 5 years from now, this WILL happen. The defacto US Corporation will make sure that it does.

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