Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Irish Banking Revolution- YES!!!!!!

The entire world's GDP is 70 trillion USD, while the big banks have derivatives/bets in excess of 700 trillion USD, so its pretty simple to see that its impossible to cover these bets win or lose! Get your money out of the banks, tell em' get fucked! Stop using the fiat currency, starve the beast, do not enter into these disastrous agreements with them and this all goes away fast!The whole world blames the worlds banks! The people are suffering because of the politicians in every country are paid for and answer too the banks ,not the people! This must be done world wide, refuse to participate refuse to comply, it begins with civil disobedience!

Look at what the Irish people are doing! I am so excited! POWER TO THE IRISH PEOPLE! POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE! October 2013 Share this, upload this, do what ya can to spread this. If these people win, we all win! We could all do this! Take it all back time is here. I expect a domino effect to occur in a mighty big way between now & Jan 1 2014