Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Fall of the Dollar - The Death of a Fiat Currency

Fiat is behind the economic system, not gold. It's the reason why most countries are in debt today. You can't print gold out of thin air, you can create dollars out of thin air. If gold was to run the "economic system" the debt would be miniscule compared to the what it is today. I agree though that having everything in precious metals is not good. If they collapse the dollar, then yes gold and silver are more valuable, but only in terms of that collapsed dollar.

Everyone should switch off their T.Vs..wake up from the propaganda..and've got to say....I'M A HUMAN BEING AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE....rise up people..rise up from your slumber..lets take back whats rightfully ours...justice...freedom...lib
­erty!!!! Peace to everyone who is resisting the system!!!

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