Monday, October 21, 2013

The Debt Bomb ~ John Stossel

John Stossel ~ The Debt Bomb

What the US actually owes in terms of real debt, including unfunded liabilities is something on the order of 16 times the GDP of the entire planet. We're talking trillions upon trillions of dollars, yet we only take in about 2 trillion dollars in annual tax revenues. Even if the government suddenly cut all spending it would take generations to pay it all off. This is what the banksters know and what the "gubment" thinks we're all too stupid and/or too addicted to mindless consumerism to figure out (and sadly most of the general populace in fact is). THIS is why Chase has initiated the "lockdown", which all the other major financial institutions will follow in lockstep with soon enough, then it will be "crash and let it burn baby"...The actual number is around 90 trillion... and if that doesn't scare the begeepers out of people, then they must be numb.

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