Friday, October 11, 2013

The COLLAPSE of the UNITED STATES - Get Informed and Get Prepared 2013 / 2014

COLLAPSE of the UNITED STATES - Get Informed and Get Prepared 2013 / 2014

The President has the power by executive order to pay for anything he wants, despite the government shutdown. Hagel allowed it to happen. He should resign immediately.

The situation is so outrageous that Ken Fisher who heads up the Fisher House Charity that helps military families says that his organization will pay the families' expenses until the government wises up.

The whole debacle once again points out that President Obama's leadership capacity is in steep decline. We saw it in the Syrian situation. We are seeing it again in the government shutdown.

And by the way the AP is one of the most liberal news agencies in the country. It has backed President Obama all the way. It must have pained them to release this poll. And the headline they put out buried the lead. The headline says "Poll: GOP Gets the Blame in Shutdown." So you can see how fair the AP really is.

The entire ObamaCare government shutdown thing is a catastrophe. There is no question ObamaCare is not ready to be rolled out. All the evidence says that. If the president would simply admit it and delay the individual mandate for a year the impasse would be solved. But Mr. Obama is too stubborn to do that and Americans are starting to catch on.

who oversees the Internal Revenue Service role in the health-care overhaul, hasn't been "consorting with the Devil," she testified at a hearing on Wednesday

"You shared, at least by someone's definition ... personal IRS taxpayer information with the White House," said Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio). Now under the Affordable Care Act, "Americans have to give personal information to the IRS ... That scares a lot of people."

The emails by Ms. Ingram and other IRS officials responded to White House questions about rules relating to filing requirements for religious schools. The questions stemmed from lawsuits by several of the religious schools, which were objecting to a mandate to cover contraception in the Obama administration's health-care overhaul. The email discussions don't appear to involve non-public information from the schools' returns.

The "coming economic collapse" has already been happening. You see, the truth is that the economic collapse is not a single event. It has already started, it is happening right now, and it will accelerate during the years ahead. The statistics in this article show very clearly that the U.S. economy has fallen dramatically over the past ten years or so. Unfortunately, there are lots of mockers out there that love to mock the idea of an economic collapse even though one is happening right in front of our eyes. "An economic collapse is never going to happen. We can consume far more wealth than we produce forever. We can pile up gigantic mountains of debt forever. There is no way that the party is over. In fact, the party is just getting started. Woo-hoo!"

That sounds absolutely ridiculous, but "economists" and "journalists" actually write things that reflect these kinds of sentiments every single day.

They do not seem alarmed about the fact that our national debt is nearly 17 times larger than it was 30 years ago. They do not seem alarmed about the fact that the total amount of debt in our country is more than 28 times larger than it was 40 years ago. They do not seem alarmed about the fact that our economic infrastructure is being absolutely gutted and we are steadily becoming poorer as a nation.

They just think that the magic formula of print, borrow, spend and consume can go on indefinitely.

Unfortunately, the truth is that a massive economic disaster has already started to unfold. We inherited the greatest economic machine in the history of the world, but we totally wrecked it. We have been able to live far, far beyond our means for the last couple of decades thanks to the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet, but now that debt bubble is getting ready to burst.

Anyone with half a brain should be able to see what is coming. Just open your eyes and look at the facts. The following are 40 stats that prove the U.S. economy has already been collapsing over the past decade...

1 comment:

  1. So we are told we are now the terrorists so we should also be armed by Obama. One can not discriminate. One terrorist is not more important than another right? This government suffers madness.
