Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Bitcoin ATM and DOJ's Big Bank Tax Collection

Score another one for the Wall Street elite. You thought foreclosures were a bad, right? Leave it to Blackstone to turn lemons into -- well, lemons. They're the largest player in the burgeoning foreclosure-turned-rental market -- and thousands of new tenants are irate. Dubbing their new landlords: "slumlords."

And, the Feds just stumbled on $28-million-dollars worth of Bitcoins. The stash belonged to the owner of Silk Road -- the so-called eBay of drugs. Erin sits down in a little bit with the BitCoin Foundation's, Director-of-Public-Affairs to talk all-things Bitcoin...as well as new fronteirs in crypto-currencies.

Finally, with record fines being handed down to JP Morgan and friends, their auditors appear to be getting off scott-free. Sam Antar talks to us about the failures of the Big Four.

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