Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Alex Jones Show: Health, Banking Limits, Gun Rights (VIDEO Commercial Free) Thur. October 17 2013

Health, Banking Limits, Gun Rights
Date: 10/17/2013
On this jam-packed Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex looks at banks beginning to limit cash withdrawals and international wire transfers as the economy continues it slow motion death dance. He also covers the coming food stamp riots and the corporate media celebrated end of the so-called government shutdown. On today's show, Alex talks with former presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche about the LaRouche Political Committee's Obama Hitler billboard, the simmering war in Syria, the re-imposition of the Glass-Steagall Act, and other important topics. Preservation of the Second Amendment takes center stage on today's show ahead of an open carry rally planned for Saturday in San Antonio, Texas. Alex talks with Murdoch Scott of Don't Comply, one of several groups involved in the Second Amendment rally to be held on October 19. Alex will attend to event in Alamo Plaza. Other guests on today's show include Terry Holcombe and C.J. Grisham of Open Carry Texas.

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