Monday, October 7, 2013

SYRIA'S Coming Disaster in Bible Prophecy !!!

SYRIA in CRISIS ... & the ' whole world ' on the brink !!!

Bible Prophecy clearly describes ' the disaster ' soon to befall SYRIA & the shocking consequences that will result in Middle East . . . & spread around the globe.

Get The Facts ( before they happen ) from Bible Prophecies written 2,500+ yrs ago !!!

"Bible Prophecy clearly describes ' the disaster ' soon to befall SYRIA" but we don't know when - whether it's this year, in 50 years, in 500 years. As you know, the middle east is in almost constant conflict. My point is that we don't know God's "timetable". It's potentially misleading to claim these events will happen "soon", History is littered with so-called ' prophets ' who nominated dates of prophetic events which failed to materialize. While NO-ONE has a ' p e r f e c t ' understanding of outworking of scripture, we still need to do our best to understand God's Word & purposes MANY global events (foretold in God's Word) confirm we're in ' Last Days '

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