Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Survivalism with John Rawles ~ How to Prepare Against Social Collapse

Survivalist Explains How to Prepare Against Social Collapse

Alex Jones welcomes Survival expert John Wesley Rawles to discuss the frightening possibilities of the backlash from the public if EBT cards continue to fail
Both Republicans & Democrats are at Fault as well as Special Interest Groups who cater to the CORRUPT & PHONY Politicians who are on the take - and lining their Pockets at your Expense and Misery are the ones at Fault !! There is NO Party that is Righteous , both have been "Severely Corrupted by Corporate Interests", and the "Corporate Lobbyists", as well as the Elite Collages & Universities !! Politicians Believe they are Entitled to NOT serve YOU the American Voter, but Serve themselves !

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