Saturday, October 19, 2013

So What's Next After The Shutdown? ~ Luke Rudkowski

They'll only stop printing when the worthlessness of their now pos dollar finally makes it to its original intrinsic value.... zero. You can't count the number of times this has already happened since Athens. And every time we lemmings go along hoping we'll get a small piece of the action. Then when it crashes we get stiffed and the banksters get richer. Then they're off selling us another 'new and improved' currency to do the same thing all over again. Like Celente said, wake up America. These financial slash debt ceiling agreements periodically happen. The difference now is that the agreements are now happening more often simply because the collapse is about to happen. And unfortunately the majority of Americans can't see that this is destroying not only American but world financial systems. It's crazy that at this stage people still can't see what's going on, how the government and especially Obama are ruining the US and driving the world directly towards a World War.

1 comment:

  1. All wars are planned and forced and no one should be willing to comply. Smidley Butler was right and medals and memorials should not exist for all it says was I fought and died for the cabal and corporations not really for my country. My country would be far better off without any wars.
