Saturday, October 12, 2013

Serfdom and the Feudal System What's Old, Is New Again, Organic Pepper Article by Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther knows exactly what's going on! She knows the past, the present and the future and I was going to write my own feudal tale to point out that
things haven't changed since 6th Century, but what for? Daisy Luther wrote an excellent article for me to read and add my visceral and often vulgar contempt for the Nazi regime that I perceive that's taking us back to the year 500, while other nations jump on bitcoin and modern ideas and the USA gets left behind, because of our poor leadership! If we elected them, maybe we could say they are our leaders, but actually, we didn't elect them and we don't want them leading us where we think we are going! Serfdom isn't for us!

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