Monday, October 7, 2013

Rush Limbaugh: 'Total Crock' Obama Ever Wanted to Negotiate on Government Shutdown

10/7/13 - President Obama has been pretty firm on dealing with the government shutdown, but that's not to say he's entirely unwilling to negotiate. He said at FEMA headquarters on Monday he's willing to negotiate and come up with "common sense compromises" with Republicans, but not if Republicans keep up the threat of a shut-down government or a debt default if they "don't get 100 percent of their way." This set off Rush Limbaugh, who called out Obama for pushing the "total crock" that he's ever been willing to negotiate.

He played audio of Obama's remarks and sporadically shouted, "That's a crock" and "This is a total crock!"

And Limbaugh thought it was even more galling, because right after he said he would negotiate, Obama again drew a line in the sane about what he would not negotiate on. He mockingly explained, "I'll negotiate any time anywhere, I'm just not gonna negotiate when they won't let me have what I want!"

He suspected Obama saying all this means the White House knows they're losing. On one side, people have found it unbelievable that the president is not negotiating on the budget. On the other side, people are saying there's little to no point for Obama to do so now.

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