Monday, October 14, 2013


SIGNS of the return of Jesus Christ are all around us, but what will His return LOOK LIKE? Based on the Psalms and the Book of Revelation, this video is just a slice of what I perceive. And for everyone who longs for His return, my prayer is that GOD blesses and encourages you. GOD BLESS!


  1. We get so much of the doom and gloom coming where is the positive in it. Where is the spirit of the human who has throughout history stood up to those that stand for evil and oppression? They exist you know and we shall see them soon. To hell with your Revelation it brings no hope to those who are constantly subjected to it. Well your wrong the time is soon. Already things are changing by the resistance and it will grow.

    1. The hope in Revelation My Brotha is the end of this one world Government of the Satanic Global Elite, which will usher a New Age of 1000 Years of Peace on Earth with a One World Government Ran by God. You need to read Revelations Chapter 20 until the end of the book to see where Humanity is headed.

      We actually need the Global Elite to unite us in a One World Government so God can take it over and turn this planet back into the Garden it was meant to be.

      In the Era of the 1000 Years of Peace:

      - There will be no Crime on Earth. If you want to go commit crimes then take your ass on a spaceship and commit crimes out on some Alien planet or on some Human Colony.

      - There will be no Divisive Ideologies like Racism and Fascism. Every Color and Class is equal under the eyes of God and we in the future will see a Government, Societal Structure, and Corporate Structure that enforces that.

      - We will turn the weapons of war into Plowshears, and use all of the Forbidden Technologies the Global Elitist Petroleum and Power Companies are refusing to let us use today. There will be Free Energy Generators everywhere, making us truly Energy Independent.

      - Earth will have enough food and resources to feed 100 Billion people if needed, because the Global Elite who have created Scarcity by design will be down in the bottomless Pit for 1000 years.

      - No More Hate

      - No More Pain

      This is only the tip of the iceberg to the Wonderful world that's coming after the bad parts of Revelations.

      The Ultimate goal of Humanity is to spread Christianity throughout the Cosmos. This is one of the real reasons why the Global Elite has done everything possible to hold back space travel. They don't want us teaching Aliens about Christ.

      NOTE: After the period of the 1000 years is over, there will come a New Global Elite. The New Global Elite will help to turn the world from the Neo- Garden of Eden of the 1000 years into a cesspool that makes today's Satanic World and the worsening world of the immediate future look like a Nursery Rhyme. The technology will be there to where there will be many Humans that will choose to live like the Borg on Star Trek- as in part tech part organic. There will be "Natural People," or those who remain to be Natural like God Intended. They will commit Sin on Earth and in Space that Makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a Baby's Pacifier. The World as well as Earths Colonies will split from a One World Government Ran by God into a 2 Government system called Gog and Magog. God will destroy Gog and Magog along with the Earth. And as a result, there will be an all New Heaven and an all new Earth. In this New Earth all of Humanity on Earth will live in a City called New Jerusalem that will come down from Heavens upon the Earth. This City will be the Capital and the Holy land of the Entire Universe. The City will be 1400 Miles Wide and say Hundreds of Miles high. The rest of the Earth will be uninhabited by man, and will be used as ornamental Nature. The city of New Jerusalem will be shaped like a Pyramid. The Global Elite uses the Pyramid as their symbol, but in all Reality the Pyramid is God's Symbol of perfect Mathematics and Nature. In fact the Global Elite Today, uses God's Original Symbols and Perverts them for their ideology. Their Bible is the total opposite of God's Bible word from Word.

    2. The Truth of Hope:

      You see friend there will be a Resistance, and it will be a resistance of the Christian Remnant, God's appointed Saints coming down from Heaven, along with others, and Jesus Himself. In the Battle of Armageddon, which I like to call World War IV it will be the Global Resistance forces of God VS the Global Police Force-and in the future all Police and Military forces around the world will be merged into one oppressive Global Police Force.

      There's so much hope, you just need to research it more.

      You see I'm the Owner of the Subversive Newz Network, and we go much farther than say a firm like TRU News. We imagine a world where Christ rules the joint and a future Earth is a Neo-Garden of Eden, because we with the help of Christ destroyed the Satanic Monster that's controlling us.

      You can't change a Planet where the Global Elite still exists- you have to eradicate them, but before you Eradicate them you have to just sit back and watch the people go through crisis after crisis until one day Christianity seen in the minds of men all over the World becomes the Trendy Progressive New Age Alternative Religion that it is meant to be. We have to Prepare in the shadows while openly educating people.

      We ourselves have to become the Alternative Global Elite.

      - The Black Man
