Saturday, October 12, 2013

Prophecy ~ The Hal Lindsey Report October 11 2013

Harold Lee "Hal" Lindsey is an American evangelist and Christian writer. He is a Christian Zionist and dispensationalist author. He currently resides in Texas. Wikipedia

 Who is Hal Lindsey?
Hal Lindsey is one of the most fascinating figures in the whole history of contemporary prophecy belief. A person of very obscure origins. Very little education.
Late 1960s. He's a campus preacher out in southern California. 1970, publishes a book, The Late Great Planet Earth, which is really a popularization of John Darby's system. Theologically, there's nothing new there. What he does is link it to current events: the Cold War, nuclear war, the Chinese Communist threat, the restoration of Israel. All of these events, he links to specific biblical passages in the classic fashion of prophecy popularizers. And he and his ghost writer write the book in a very almost slang-like, very accessible language. It's not a heavy theological book at all. It's a popular book. And this book just took off and became the all-time non-fiction bestseller of the entire decade of the 1970s, and it represented the point at which publishers began to realize there's tremendous potential in prophecy books. And so many other writers begin to write books in the same popular way, that have an enormously broad appeal. (


  1. What? My communist Muslim homosexual President is corrupt?

  2. Where I come from; The religious leaders suckle on the teat of the beast. They are not allowed to take a stand against the Government, because if they do they will lose their tax exempt status. They can't tell you to disobey God's commands. They can't tell you it's wrong to murder your babies, because it's politically incorrect.
    They can't tell you the Bible say's it's an abomination for Men to marry men and homosexuals will not enter into the Kingdom of God. They can't tell you It's your God given right to bear arms and it's protected under the 2nd amendment of The Constitution of the United States, and is a God given right to protect your life limb and property. All they can tell you is to obey the beast, and believe in the pre-tribulation or mid-tribulation Rapture. They can't tell you all Christians will have to endure and persevere through thru to the end of tribulation before the Lord will return in his Day of Wrath to punish those who killed almost every Christian on the planet. Those that Suckle on the teat of the beast can only tell you what the Beast allows them to say.

  3. Demons and those that are servants of Satanic forces can not deny Christ. That is why they use deception and manipulation. They are bound by God to revel their true agenda in plain sight. This is why Christians have to be diligent and proactive and on the offense with our political leaders.
