Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare is Next Shoe To Drop

"Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. They accept this future. They entertain various delusions about it:
One, the US will emerge as the leader of a Globalist world.
Two, US imperial conquests abroad will continue.
Three, the US will participate as “an equal partner in a kinder, gentler structure.”
Four, the US will be submerged in a glorious international collective, for “the greatest good of the greatest number.”"
Really? You really believe this? You really think are Presidents are that stupid? As much as I would like to believe that...... no.
They know they are collapsing America. They know they are destroying it. But why? Because the Chinese have paid them to do it. While we wallow in filth they will be living it up in a penthouse in Beijing.

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