Thursday, October 31, 2013

OBAMA CORRUPTION ~ Bribing Barack Obama

Bribing Barack Obama

Printing/digitizing $85 BILLION dollars a month than buying back that debt = monetizing = Wiemar Republic where a wheel barrel of worthless notes was needed to buy a loaf of bread, or Zimbabwe with their billion dollar Z notes that are worthless! We have a National debt of $17 trillion dollars, a total debt of $60 trillion dollars, and an unfunded liabilities of $90 trillion dollars! The worlds total GDP is only $70-$90 Trillion dollars. That is without adding the $1.3 Trillion dollar student loan bubble, or the bond/derivatives bubble of $2.4 QUADRILLION DOLLARS! First a currency war, than a Trade war, than a World War! IT IS ALL A HUSTLE we have never paid more taxes (transfer of wealth) and less to show for it in world history!

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