Saturday, October 12, 2013

Missing Nukes Investigation ~ Did The People Stop A Nuclear False Flag?

Top nuke commanders Navy Vice Adm. Tim Giardina and Maj. Gen. Michael Carey terminated following exclusive high level military intelligence over secret nuclear warheads transfer.

There is a story about North Korea threatening nuclear attack on mainland America today. Keep on this story because these stolen nukes and the weapons taken from Ghadafi in Libya are somewhere and this Administration is nuts enough to try and take America down,
The precedent has been set, Iran has had friendly talks with Obama, Israel has said that Iran is a wolf in sheep's clothing. There is a push for giving Iran non-lethal nuclear technology, now, they may give Iran this technology, then at some point afterwards detonate a nuke in the USA and blame Iran, then obviously use it as a pretense to go war. 1. Making Israel look better; 2. Finally invading Iran which has been in the books for years. 3. Who knows what else could happen.

1 comment:

  1. Where I come from; depopulation by any means is good.
    Our New World Order just won't work with 8 billion people one the planet. In order to preserve our Canaanite Bloodline we can only make it work with 500 million slaves to feed us and be our domestic servants. Any more then that will become useless eaters who will use up the resources that we need to save for ourselves. We are out of time to pull it all together. Our ability to feed the dependent masses has played out. It is for the greater good that the useless eaters be culled.
