Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mid-East Prophecy Update - October 20th, 2013

Pastor JD talks about the successful destruction of America from within in concert with the unsuccessful destruction of Israel from without.


  1. It's amazing these type of preachers always ask us to call on the name of the Lord to be saved, yet they never tell us what God's name is????

    Lord... is a title, not a name.

    Psalms 83:18 KJV:
    That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.

    How about starting to show God (Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH) some respect and actually using his name for once.

  2. false prophet period! anyone says nuttyyahoo who's mongolian and not jewish is to be honored has to be!

  3. Nuttin yahooo! What a joke um ? How many real Jews died in the slave trade ? They never quote or read from Deuteronomy ,oh ? And by the way I know the blasphemys of those who say they are Jews and are not but are the synogage of satan , were gonna find out who the real jews are very soon this guy here is the devil that the bible speaks of , look at ancient artifacts from Israel does not resemble theese people who moved there in 1948 what a joke Nuttin yahoe were gonna see who Amos was really talking about and since when was holocaust written in the bible? Go back to the caucus mountains where your real for fathers came from

  4. God somehow is a movement, however on the right direction, looks naturally, nature, the living; God probably is nature in relation to planet earth, as the sun could be its anti-matter.
    israel, are many interpretations as a bible, israel and my people is not a definition, just an idea, reason is that israel is a tiny place as fact! america is in deep trouble, and any war will destroy the tiny place in no time. and this is a fact, just like babylon, concrete. however. reason demands a balance a natural concrete byble of natural order.
