Saturday, October 26, 2013

Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper

On this special edition of The Corbett Report, James sits down with Broc West of to discuss how to make your own media. In this wide-ranging conversation, James and Broc answer your questions on matters technical (software and equipment) and non-technical (processes and concepts) on the subject of creating media. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we demonstrate the fact that making your own media is easier than you think.


  1. The system
    The system is a machine, and its purpose is to reproduce itself, as it perceptions itself, it improves himself, every new model should be better than the previous one, until the product has reach the height of its perfection.
    The product in this case is the human realm, when it does not work, the system fails, becomes chronic and confuse, it destroys itself, gradually.
    The system is disintegrating, who knows why? Will it be fix or is just a huge titanic, between bit coins and sitcoms.
    The human
    In the circumstances the human will reach for survival, as he is trap his mind evolves towards a solution, how that solution will become, only his mind can tell, or the reality of time. The ultimate survival is equilibrium of the hart, understanding of the past and total control of the future.

  2. Given his attitude towards the JFK assassination and 9/11, I think he is part of the corporate/ banking elite..
