Monday, October 7, 2013

Major Ed Dames Predictions For 2014 and Beyond

The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. The technical consultant for the feature film, Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), Ed coached Sir Ben Kingsley, and played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.


  1. Anyone who believes anything this guy sez shud have
    their head examined.
    Have followed him since Art Bell days.

  2. I agree with "Anonymous October 7, 2013 at 1:02 PM." This charlatan clown Dames is EASILY proven to be a total FRAUD and a hoaxster. Pathetic that so-called humanity actually STILL promotes this type of trash.

    1. For you too...any particular reason how your claim is '...easily proven...'?

  3. Total whacko, he says we won't live past 2013 as he can't see the killshot past then, yet we still remain here. He is spouting shit for 1 reason and that is for you all to buy his books and training guides. There are several people asking him on radio should I sell my house and move away and he says yes, how dare he effect some poor souls life making them sell up because of his lies. If he is the real deal then please predict what is going to happen next week or next month. Talking of the killshot the only person who should be shot is him.

  4. Don't be stupid......he is not "predicting"...he views the
    scene as it is in a specific time......if he interprets the
    scene incorrectly, that doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. I want to know if he viewed 2016 correctly and there will be no Prez election because we will be under
    marshal law by our dictator,... you know who.
