Friday, October 11, 2013

Kevin Annett - Birth of a New Earth - 09-12-13 - International Crimes Against Humanity

Kevin Annett on Birth of a New Earth with Jeanice Barcelo. Recorded on September 12th, 2013

Tonight, Jeanice discusses religion and the ties between satanism and the Judeo-Christian faith. She also discusses the dark forces and their lethal technologies now being used to destroy the Earth. During the second half of the show, Jeanice is joined by Kevin Annett who is a leader in exposing the government-sponsored, Church-organized, kidnapping, rape, torture, sterilization and murder of indigenous children. Kevin shares about the common law courts that he has organized (which override the courts that have been created by criminal governments) and which have declared the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church to be transnational criminal organizations. Pope Benedict (a/k/a Joseph Ratzinger), perhaps one of the most evil men ever to exist, quickly stepped away from his position as head of the Church as a result of Kevin's work. This evil man is now hiding out in the Vatican in order to avoid criminal prosecution. However, talks are being held in Italy this month which are aimed at de-secularizing the church and bringing it under the rule of law. Therefore, the arrest and prosecution of these child-raping satanists is inevitable.'

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