Saturday, October 19, 2013

Karen Hudes - Constitutional Convention - Veritas Radio

Veritas Radio - Karen Hudes. J.D. - Constitutional Convention .INTERVIEW with Karen Hudes, Former Senior Counsel to the World Bank , attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudes talked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank. Karen Hudes who worked for 20 years in the World Bank's legal department. Ms. Hudes is a whistleblower involved with the laundry list of corruption that has begun to rear its head in The World Bank.

1 comment:

  1. She is smoking crack with the constitution convention. If that was going to work, it would have happened years ago when it legally should have. Since it didn't, the logical conclusion is that it was prevented by "The powers that be" . Given this, if a constitution convention was allowed, is anyone other than Karen Hudes so naive to think that the same powers would not gain control of that convention and scrap the constitution rather than reinforcing it? If Karen Hudes is a legit whistle blower who has not been compromised, then she is simply a fool. perhaps well meaning, but a fool never the less.
