Thursday, October 24, 2013

JOHN PERKINS ~ The Alex Jones Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Thursday October 24 2013


The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Thursday October 24 2013: John Perkins


The Predatory Elite
Date: 10/24/2013
On this Thursday, October 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest on Obamacare, which is the spearhead of the economic takeover, and the house of tyranny built upon the national security state. The Obama administration is now trying to shift blame and responsibility onto government contractors for the broken web site, which has 10 times as many lines of code as the bloated Windows Vista operating system. In yet another mind-staggering statistic, the NSA recorded more than 124 billion phone calls of both Americans and government leaders around the world. John Perkins, an economist and best-selling author of Hoodwinked, joins the show to reveal the blueprint of the predatory banking elite, who combine geopolitics and corporatism to plunder the wealth of the many for the benefit of the already wealthy few.

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