Monday, October 28, 2013

JESSE VENTURA back on The Allan Handelman Show - NEW 10 27 2013

JESSE VENTURA: is back with Allan to talk about a wide-ranging variety of issues including: His view of the recent government shutdown and which side deserves most of the blame. The Drug War, Running For President with Howard Stern, Right Wing Media, Conspiracies, Privacy, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Rock & Roll Radio, The Redskins Controversy, Who Really Killed JFK? Congress, Health Care and much more. Jesse is on for the entire first hour. His latest book, They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK. Jesse's petition on civil liberties

1 comment:

    People who support Jesse Ventura don't know him.
    He committed bribery to become Governor. One bribe
    was to get a guy out of the Reform Party, and the other
    bribes were to cover up the first bribe after two complaints
    were filed against him.
    Ventura was a lousy governor. He let down his marijuana
    supporters, cancelled the auto emission testing program,
    supported a huge police raid and the torture of peaceful
    protesters in the raid, and he insulted just about everyone.
    To top it off you should know he was never a Navy SEAL,
    never in Vietnam, never in combat, and used the SEALS
    and the valor of others to enhance his bravado to voters.
    Jesse Ventura is a phony guy with a phony name who is a
    bully, briber, insulter and a cheat who can't be trusted.
    You can learn the truth about Ventura (Janos) by reading
    my book, "Always Cheat" The Philosophy of Jesse Ventura.
    Call me for a complimentary copy or get one from Amazon.
    Leslie Davis 612-529-5253
