Saturday, October 5, 2013

Government Shutdown over Obamacare, Israel & Iran Nuclear Program and U.S. is Top Energy Producer

The government shutdown is the fault of both parties--end of story. At its core, the fight is over the Affordable Care Act (or Obama Care). When the dust settles with the government shutdown and the debt ceiling, Obama Care will still be the Law and an unqualified disaster. The other big story is Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the U.N. He flat out says he thinks the Iranians coming to the negotiation table for its nuclear program is a "ruse." Iran says its nuclear program is for the peaceful production of energy. Israel and the U.S. say that is not true. The Wall Street Journal is reporting, "The U.S. is overtaking Russia as the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas." Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his take on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.


  1. Im verry distrub no home no job no money my bad life plz help me (

  2. Recwest
    My dearst im kamal kishor yadav my life verry distrub no home no job no money very bad family lif plz help me
