Friday, October 11, 2013

Government Shutdown, Debt Ceiling: Who will blink first?

The Government Shutdown entered its eleventh day and there is less than a week to go before the Treasury Department says we will hit the debt ceiling. President Barack Obama met with House Republican leaders late Thursday regarding a plan they proposed for a six-week increase of the debt ceiling in exchange for significant deficit-reduction steps. The White House indicated it is seriously considering the plan, but Obama previously said he wanted a debt-ceiling increase with no conditions attached. The president met with Senate Republicans on Friday, and there is increasing optimism that a deal may be in sight. In the meantime, the District of Columbia, which must get congressional approval of its budget, is running out of money to fund the local government. RT's Ameera David speaks with DC's Shadow Sen. Paul Strauss about the latest progress on the Hill and how the government shutdown is affecting the city of DC.

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